Contact us

Address: 13, Gheorghe Adam Street, Timişoara
Phone: 0256899569


Head of Department

📲 Phone: 0256899569

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📃 Curriculum vitae

Department Council

📲 Phone: 0732680134

📧 E-mail: lazureanu.voichita@

📃 Curriculum vitae

📲 Phone: 0727746440

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📃 Curriculum vitae

📲 Phone: 0256435555

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📃 Curriculum vitae

📲 Phone: 0720311753

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📃 Curriculum vitae

General presentation

The Department XIII of Infectious Diseases was organised in the present form in 2011 by merging the academic departments/university clinics predominantly involved in the study of communicable pathologies – Infectious Diseases I, Infectious Diseases II, Pneumophtysiology, Parasitology and Epidemiology.  The 34 members (19 teaching staff members, 13 university assistants and 2 auxiliary staff members) are active in the wards of the „Dr Victor Babeș” Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases and Pneumophtysiology Timișoara or at the sites of the academic departments (in the case of the Epidemiology and Parasitology).

The staff of the department provides lectures and practical internships for the students of:

  • The Faculty of Medicine, specialities:

– Medicine, the II-nd, IV-th, V-th and VI-th years of study (teaching languages: Romanian, English and French);
– General Medical Assistance, the I-st, II-nd and III-rd years of study (Timișoara, Lugoj, Deva);
– Nutrition and Dietetics, the I-st, II-nd and III-rd years of study;
– Balneophysiokinetotherapy, the I-st and III-rd years of study;

  • The Faculty of Dental Medicine, in licence programmes

– Dental Medicine, the II-nd, III-rd and IV-th years of study (teaching languages: Romanian and English);
– Dental Technology, the I-st, II-nd year of study;
– Dental hygiene, the II-nd, III-rd years of study.

Also, it provides the didactic activity for master studies:

  • Modern applications in Laboratory Medicine for personalised medical services, II-nd year;
  • Prevention and rehabilitation in cardiopulmonary diseases, the I-st and II-nd years of study;
  • Clinical and community nutrition, the I-st year of study

as well as the training of resident physicians in homonymous or connexed specialities and coordination of doctorands.

The members of the department are actively involved in scientific research, conducted in the 3 own centres:

  • Centre for Research and Innovation in the Personalised Medicine of Respiratory Diseases;
  • Methodological and Research Centre for Infectious Diseases;
  • Centre for the Diagnosis and Study of Parasitic Diseases

or as internal collaborators in other research centres recognized by the university, ensuring the integrative, multidisciplinary character of the studies. The entire material basis is used for this purpose and the educational process on transmissible and nontransmissible diseases with a major impact on Public Health.  

The teaching staff of the department focuses on training the medical medium and superior staff to become knowledgeable and sensitive regarding the problematics of transmissible diseases that impact any medical or medical assistance speciality (primary/secondary/tertiary) in which the future graduate will be involved, especially during this period of intense emergence. 

The decisions of the Department Council 2024