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General presentation

Historic -The discipline of Preventive Dentistry, Community Dentistry and Oral Health was established in 1996, by Ms. Prof. Dr. Podariu Codruţa Angela. The purpose of this discipline was and is to promote and develop ideas and concepts regarding the prevention of diseases in the oral region, but also to promote the maintenance of oral health, as an integral part of general health, by knowing and controlling risk factors. By improvement and equipping the discipline’s headquarters with state-of-the-art equipment, by selecting and properly training an exceptional teaching staff, Prof. Podariu Codruţa Angela is a true mentor and school trainer at the UMFVBT Faculty of Dentistry.

Mission – The didactic activity of the discipline is realized by taking the courses (compulsory and optional) and the clinical activity at following specializations: Dental Medicine, Romanian and English section, at the Specialization of Dental Prophylaxis Assistance, Dental Hygienists and Dental Technicians.

Compulsory Courses:

  • Preventive Dentistry, year II MD (Romanian and English).
  • Oral Health, year V MD (Romanian and English)Noțiuni de Prevenție în tehnica Dentară
  • Preventive Dentistry at the Dental Prophylaxis Assistants, Dental Hygienists
  • Education for Health Promotion

Optional Courses:

  • Diet and the stomatognathic system year I MD (Ro and Engl.)
  • Dental care of the patient with special medical needs year II MD (Ro and Engl.).

Within the discipline, some of the teachers are members of the Doctoral School of UMF Victor Babes Timişoara, being PhD coordinators:

  • Prof.Univ.Dr.Jumanca Daniela
  • Prof.Univ.Dr.Gălușcan Atena
  • Prof. Univ.Dr.Oancea Roxana

The members of the discipline are involved in research activities, which have materialized in recent years by winning research grants, Erasmus + type projects, innovation patents, articles in specialized journals, with ISI impact factor or in journals from international databases. BDI.

The members of the Discipline are editors associated with the journal: Medicine in Evolution, indexed by Index Copernicus and CNCSIS B + (CNCSIS) and together with the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Univ.Dr. Podariu Angela, coordinates the activity of the journal and of the Center for Clinical, Experimental and Translational Research in Oral Health CCEx-T-SO (Translational and Experimental Clinical Research Center in Oral Health TECX-OH).

The main projects won by the members of the discipline are:

  • Program de Sănătate Orală in Romania (2019-2020),în colaborare cu Ministerul Sănătăţii şi OMS- coordonator de proiect ŞL. Dr Sava Roşianu Ruxandra.
  • European Training Platform for Continuing Professional Development of dental Hygienists (EuHyDens) (2015-2018Contract: 2015-1-SE01-KA-012278/25-06-2015 perioada valoare contract 421 290 Euro  tipul proiectului ERASMUS+ KA2, STRATEGIC PARTNERSCHIPS –Parteneri in proiect, coordinator UMFTVB Prof. Dr. Găluşcan Atena.
  • Traning of stuff in the Treatment of Patients;including patients with special needs TIUNIDENT, nr.71333886/27.10.2014 – Alinierea la standardele Uniunii Europene- SES –Senior Experten Service – Consultanta din partea Guvernului German, coordonat de Prof. Dr. Jumanca Daniela
  • Obţinerea de ţesuturi dentare din celula stem, tipul proiectului –CNCSIS tip A nr. 743/2006, Coordonator Prof. Dr. Podariu Angela
  • Creşterea vizibilităţii internaţionale a cercetarilor din domeniul promovarii sanatatii orale in contextul integării in programele europene si internationale– tipul proiectului, CEEX nr. 140/2006, Coordonator Prof. Dr. Podariu Angela
  • Integrarea cercetarilor scolilor romanesti de sanatate publica oro-dentara in programele europene si internationale privind corelarea calitatii vietii cu sanatatea oro-dentara,tipul proiectului- CEEX nr. 192/2006 Coordonator Prof. Dr. Podariu Angela

Patents and intellectual property titles registered at OSIM of the discipline members:

  • COMPOZITIE PENTRU PASTĂ DE DINŢI, Autori: Jumanca Daniela, Găluşcan Atena, Floriţa Şerban, Podariu Angela, Floriţa Zeno, Dehelean Cristina, Borcan Florin Brevet OSIM nr.127805/28.02.2014
  • PROCEDEU ŞI DISPOZITIV PENTRU PRODUCEREA NANOGELURILOR ŞI MICROGELURILOR PE BAZĂ DE SILICAŢI ALCALINO-PĂMÂNTOŞI, Autori: Jumanca Daniela, Găluşcan Atena, Borcan Florin, Floriţa Şerban, Dehelean Cristina, Floriţa Zeno,Brevet OSIM nr. 128480/26.02.2016
  • NANOVEHICUL POLIETER-URETANIC PENTRU TRANSPORTUL TRANSDERMIC AL UNOR COMPUSI FARMACEUTICI UTILIZATI ÎN STOMATOLOGIE, Autori: Borcan Florin, Găluşcan Atena, Daniela Jumanca, Dehelean Cristina, Floriţa Şerban, Floriţa Zeno Brevet OSIM nr. 128801/29.11.2017

The perspectives regarding the evolution and development of the professional, scientific and academic activity are grouped under one major desideratum: strengthening a strong and prestigious school of Prevention and Oral Health within UMFT Victor Babes. This involves the creation and development of the following directions and sub-directions of research:

  • Innovative strategies for the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of initial dento-periodontal lesions.
  • Implementation and development of a program for evaluation and analysis of the oral health situation in Romania.
  • Implementation of a national Oral Health program in public / private partnership.
  • Increasing the level of education of the population regarding Oral Health and knowledge of risk factors, by developing an online social network of doctors and dental hygienists, to implement the educational program among the population.
  • Implementation of the profession of Dental Hygienist in Romania and their involvement in Oral Health programs.
  • Innovations in the field of materials, technologies and new investigative techniques, -Nanomaterials.
  • Development and introduction of non-invasive technologies in bacterial plaque control and inactivation of incipient lesions.
  • Development and implementation of regenerative dentistry through studies on the  potential of stem cells in dental tissues. Application of tissue engineering techniques in regenerative hard tissue dentistry – augmentation based on scaffolds and 3D printing.
Photo gallery

Modern technology, superior standards and high quality equipment at the DISCIPLINE OF PREVENTIVE, COMMUNITY AND ORAL HEALTH DENTISTRY, – 8 new dental units (Stern Weber S200-S220 TR), fully equipped: with intraoral cameras, US scaling included, handpieces and fiber optics included, for a didactic process as complete and complex as possible, THE FIRST AND ONLY Ambidextrous Dental Unit for left-handed students.

Prof.Univ.Habil.Dr. Atena Galuscan, DMD, PhD