BIP Inclusion 2023 was a great intercultural and interprofessional learning experience with a group of 35 international students (Belgium, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, Finland) and five teaching staff members (Belgium, Germany, Romania).
Inclusion Blended Intensive Program (Erasmus+) 2023 was developed and implemented by Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Belgium, Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara and University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, Germania.
The program included presentations, talks, visits in hospitals, children and elderly centers, meetings with representatives from medical institutions, officials, NGOs that are active in the fields of medical educational and social work. The participants were students from different specialties: nursing, midwifery, general medicine, occupational therapy, physical therapy and social services.
The program was developed by: Jozef Goebels, Filip Bode, Ria Bruijn, Sandra Fietkau, Daniela Șilindean, Karen Behaeghe, Elena Amăricăi.
We would like to thank our local partners:
- Mr. Viceconsul of Germany, Siegfried Geilhausen and Mrs. Geraldine Geilhausen;
- AMBASADA, Andreea Iager Tako; Teatrul Basca, Ana-Maria Ursu, Andrei Ursu; Oana Bajka, Intercultural Institute Timisoara; Manuela Murariu, Monica Diaconu, Babel Școală și Liceu; Mariana Dragotoiu, Serviciul de Probațiune Timiș; ONG-ul Ceva De Spus; EFFATA; SCOP; CARITAS/ Centrul Rezidențial de Asistență și Reintegrare Socială pentru Persoane fără Adăpost.
- Ioan Suru, Foundation for the Development of Associations of Mutual Help (FDAAM) Slatina-Timis