VBUMFT is partner in the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme – BIP (2025), with the topic Inclusion. We work together with Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, Belgium and Protestant University of Applied Sciences Ludwigsburg, Germania.
BIP Inclusion 2025 focus on the concept of care. As each practitioner applies her / his own discipline specific professional knowledge, we hope to raise awareness about unconscious biases and to challenge assumptions. This programme offers a unique opportunity for studying together with fellow students, working with teaching staff and other professionals in a multi-professional and multicultural context.
The project consists of two mandatory components:
- a virtual component which includes online lectures in February and March 2025
- a physical component for 5 days in Germany (9th – 14th March 2025). Our host institution is EH Ludwigsburg.
10 VBUMFT students are to be selected based on the following:
- Minimum level of English – B2;
- The students are not in their final year of study;
- A motivational letter (500-700 words) to be sent on the following address: silindean.daniela@umft.ro. Deadline: 21th of January 2025, 10.00;
- An interview on the 21th of January, 14.30. The interview will take place at Poșta Mare, 1st
BIP Inclusion – Interprofessional action and international references in social and health care
Victor Babeș University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara has strengthened its partnership with Ludwigsburg Protestant University of Applied Sciences and Thomas More University of Applied Sciences by means of the third successfully implemented Blended Intensive Program project on Inclusion.
Ten students enrolled in Medicine (in Romanian and in English) and Dentistry (in English) study programs took part in an intensive program that included online meetings and five days of on-site learning from March 9th-14th 2025 in Ludwigsburg, Grafeneck, Markgröningen, Heilbronn and Stuttgart.
The groups consisting of international students from five countries addressed topics such as Inclusion and Children / Youth; Inclusion and Elderly; Inclusion and Disability; Inclusion and Migration and Societal changes. All topics included both an intercultural and an interprofessional perspective.
Our students were coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Daniela Șilindean and Prof. Dr. Elena Amăricăi.