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Staff of the Academic Department

Head of the Academic Department

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📃 Curriculum vitae



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📃 Curriculum vitae


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📃 Curriculum vitae


General presentation

The academic department of Materials Technology and Devices in Dental Medicine was officially established in 1993, when the College of Dental Technique within the Faculty of Dentistry was launched, later the College of Dental Technique being transformed into Specialization, and Bachelor Degree Program, respectively. At present, this discipline is being studied in the first year. Starting with the year 2021, the Dental Hygienists Bachelor Degree Program has been re-established, after an interruption of several years, our discipline being studied in the first and second year. Since 2002, Prof. Univ. Dr. Lavinia Cosmin Ardelean is serving as Head of the academic department. From 2002 to present, the staff of the discipline has contributed to the publishing of 18 books, and manuals, editing of 6 books in IntechOpen, London and MDPI, Basel publishing houses, 17 chapters in books (IntechOpen, London, MDPI, Basel and Frontiers, Lausanne publishing houses). Over 130 articles were published, of which more than 85 articles and ISI proceedings (WOS indexed), 2 invention brevets and over 80 conferences and scientific papers were presented at international scientific congresses. Our academic department has organized the International Congress “Interdisciplinarity in present dentistry”, Timisoara, 2008 and the International Congress “Timmedica”, 4th edition, Timisoara, 2011. More recently we also focused on the reviewer activity for WOS or BDI indexed journals, with over 250 processed and WOS verified articles, this activity being recognized by receiving the Top reviewers in Cross-Field award 2019 and Top reviewers in Materials Science award 2019. In the period 2019-2023, 10 Special Issues, on topics related to the profile of the discipline, were coordinated, in WOS indexed journals Polymers, Materials, Scanning, Coatings, Journal of Functional Biomaterials. The scientific activity of our academic department was awarded by our university through the Diploma of Excellence for Academic Publishing 2022.