Prof. Dr. Meda-Lavinia NEGRUŢIU
The Faculty of Dental Medicine in Timisoara dates back almost half a century and aims to become a center of excellence in education, specialist training, research and healthcare. The achievements of this traditional educational establishment are the result of the hard work carried out by the teaching staff, students and technical-administrative staff.
The fundamental strategic objective is to increase the quality of the educational process, both in terms of achieving the European dimensions of university education and the internal dimensions of academic quality.
The main mission of UMF “Victor Babes” Timisoara, Faculty of Dental Medicine is to promote education and academic performance in the training of competitive graduates, who can integrate into the labour market in all health systems in the world. Acquiring an appropriate experience for the work of performance dentistry, scientific research and medical care is a must.
The educational offer of the Faculty of Dentistry is complex, modern, compatible with that of traditional, prestigious dental schools in the country and Europe Implementation of the principles of the Bologna process (ECTS system, promotion of mobility, promotion of European cooperation in quality assurance, European dimensions of the educational process, recognition of students as partners in the educational process, lifelong learning, attractive study offer for students from other countries) contribute to the realisation of a student-centered education system, which provides students upon graduation with knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to practise the profession of dentistry on the basis of the values taken up and passed on by the Timisoara Medical School, to make their personal contribution to the improvement of health in the local, regional, national or international community and to use their knowledge and skills to treat patients in complex situations.
The professionalism and skills acquired, the human quality that we want to develop, aim to bring the graduate the trust and respect of patients and allow him/her to contribute to the progress of science and dental art, but also to increase the international visibility of the Dental Faculty of Timisoara.
The curriculum and the analytical program were developed on the basis of modern concepts with a pronounced applied and practical character, in an interdisciplinary perspective, in accordance with international standards of higher education, with the aim of training a future doctor with a solid specialized training, which will place him in an advantageous position in the competition for employment appropriate to his professional training.
The material base of the Faculty of Dental Medicine with its three specializations: Dental Medicine, Dental Technology and Dental Prophylaxis Assistance, ensures a high quality standard of the teaching process in accordance with current requirements, the Faculty of Dental Medicine being rated “A” in the evaluation of study programs at national level.
Dear students, welcome to our Faculty, may your youth help you to make your way through an arduous path to success in profession and life. In Dental Medicine you will have to learn all your life to constantly enrich your knowledge and we will be there for you for the time to come.
D E A N,
Prof. Dr. Meda Lavinia NEGRUŢIU