The major objectives of the Erasmus+ office aim at a much stronger development of the programme using the following means: facilitating the involvement and international cooperation of the academic and research staff; stimulating the students of UMFVBT to massively participate in the programme; developing and strengthening our existing partnerships with universities and research centres by using the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programme; increasing the number of international students (study mobility, traineeships, joint PhD programmes).
The necessary activities for carrying out these objectives are: ensuring full automatic recognition of all the results obtained during the mobility; promoting internationalisation at all levels; ensuring permanent support and monitoring of the participants in the mobility during all the stages of the mobility ( before, during and after the mobility); permanently updating the information pertaining to the Erasmus+ programme and making this information visible and accessible (website, notice board, faculties, social media; respecting the principles of equal opportunity – the selection of the candidates and the distribution of the grant are made in an fair, undiscriminatory, coherent, documented and transparent manner based on objective criteria posted on the university website. All the students of our university have the same rights and equal chances when applying for an Erasmus+ grant.
Key performance indicators: increasing the number of Erasmus+ mobilities, both outbound and inbound (our target is that in the next 5 years to reach 3.5% of the total number of our students to participate in the Erasmus+ programme); transforming study mobility into a reality for everybody; modernising and developing our curriculum; digitisation of the education; keeping our cultural heritage and developing and assimilating a European identity and culture; creating a top European university; increasing the number of graduates with a higher chance of accessing the labour market both at home and abroad; a higher visibility of the university abroad;
The university will apply the European strategy of strengthening quality through mobility and cross-border cooperation. Based on the fact that learning mobility improves professional, social and intercultural competences of education beneficiaries, the university will develop partnerships within the framework of European and world-wide academic cooperation. Universities and research institutions within the EU are traditional partners, with which common academic projects will continue to be developed, either for educational purposes, or research targets. Strategic partnerships referring to structured and long term cooperation with other HEIs, research entities, local authorities and social partners will be maintained and diversified. The university will benefit of opportunities to exchange knowledge, experience and professional methodologies for teaching and learning, fostering goals of the EU Modernisation Agenda.
The university expects an active position in the modernisation of European higher education. The university will apply the benefits of the Programme to be more attractive, to increase attainment levels, so that enrolled students do not leave the study before graduating. The university will deliver graduates for knowledge-intensive jobs that will reinforce European capacity and sustain European social model. Systemic changes involving quality improvement will help recruiting more students. Graduates will be empowered with appropriate competencies for a rapid inclusion in the labour market, even in difficult fields (research, education). More graduates of the second cycle will be interested to enrol in the doctoral cycle.
The active role of the university within the Programme will improve financial aspects and funding management. Funding must be efficiently used and well-targeted. The university will look for alternative resources to support this participation and to guarantee the success of each implemented project. The university will guarantee the portability of scholarships and financial social support for mobile students.