Contact us

Address: 2, Eftimie Murgu Square, 300041, Timișoara
Phone: 0256/204476/ int. 1446


Head of Department

📲 Phone: 0256/204476, int. 1446

📧 E-mail:

📃 Curriculum vitae


Department Council

📲 Phone: 0256/204250

📧 E-mail:

📃 Curriculum vitae

📲 Phone: 0723649886

📧 E-mail:

📃 Curriculum vitae

📲 Phone: 0256/204250, int. 1484

📧 E-mail:

📃 Curriculum vitae

📲 Phone: 0256/204250, int. 453

📧 E-mail:

📃 Curriculum vitae

General presentation

The Second Department of the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timişoara was established in 2011. It includes the disciplines of Histology, Morphopathology, Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Communication. The human resources within the department are represented by 35 teachers, 5 laboratory assistants and 1 technician.

The disciplines within the department are included in the program of year I, II or III for the Faculties of General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, as well as for the short-term education – General Medical Assistance. In addition to teaching in Romanian, courses were taught in English and French for the Faculty of General Medicine, English for the Faculty of Dentistry and French for students of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

The specific activity focuses on the study of normal and pathological cells and tissues. The main research topics of the department are related to tumor biology: angiogenesis, lymphangiogenesis, evaluation of prognostic factors, genomic characterization. The techniques used in the research are: optic microscopy, electron microscopy, confocal, fluorescence, immunohistochemistry, in vitro cell culture, FISH, proteomics and genomics.

The decisions of the Department Council 2024