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Address: 2 Eftimie Murgu Square, cod 300041, Timișoara
Phone: 0256204476, int. 1446

Staff of the Academic Department

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📃 Curriculum vitae



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📃 Curriculum vitae

General presentation

Morphopathology has been taught at our university since 1948.

The first Chair of the discipline was Prof. Univ. Dr. Benedict Menkes, who laid the foundations for the teaching of Morphopathology, by setting up histopathological laboratories, morgue services and the Museum of Pathological Anatomy, a museum that is still an important training ground for the students’ practice.

Between 1956 and 1959, the Chair of the discipline was Conf. Dr. Augustin Mureşanu, mainly focusing on teaching the course of Morphopathology. This period was marked by the extension of the morphopathological investigation in the medical practice, thanks to postoperative, extemporaneous biopsies and cytological examinations, in conjunction with the development of scientific research based on the use of electron microscopy, immunomorphology, histoenzymology and other techniques. During this period, the department developed three books on Morphopathology, three courses and a book of practical works, and also collaborated in writing several monographs dedicated to renal, hepatic, placental and other pathologies. During this period, the department also wrote numerous scientific papers that were published in multiple journals, in Romania and abroad. 

Between 1960 and 1991, Prof. Univ. Dr. Leonida Georgescu served as Chair of the discipline. Under his guidance, the analytical program of the Morphopathology education was finalized, in correlation with the ones from other universities around the country.

Between 1991 and 1992, the discipline was led by Prof. Univ. Dr. Elena Potencz, who later coordinated the teaching of Morphopathology (Pathological Anatomy) at the Faculty of Dentistry, 2nd year.

Between 1992 and 2004, the Chair of the Morphopathology Department was Prof. Univ. Dr. Nicolae Tudose, covering a period in which the discipline of Morphopathology has established itself as a prestigious school for the training of pathologists and scientific research aimed at increasing the performance of the morphological diagnosis in pathology, through the use of histochemistry and immunohistochemistry.

Between 2004 and 2011, the chair of Morphopathology was led by Prof. Univ. Dr. Elena Lazăr. During this period, the pathological diagnosis and research has evolved and became more diversified by the introduction of new methods of investigation, especially in tumor pathology. Under the coordination of our esteemed head of discipline, postgraduate courses were organized, enjoying a wide participation and appreciation from the specialists in the field.

Starting with October 2011, the management of the chair was taken over by Prof. Univ. Dr. Alis Dema, who was actively concerned with all aspects of the smooth running of courses and practical work in Morphopathology, for students and resident physicians training in the field of Pathological Anatomy in the Timişoara-based center. During this time, our department organized multiple postgraduate courses, conferences and workshops, with distinguished guests from our country and abroad. The postgraduate courses organized annually had become a tradition, starting in 2011, with “Pathology Days in Timişoara” / PATHOTIM, while hosting internationally recognized personalities as lecturers, in various fields of clinical pathology, gathering increasing numbers of participants from within our country and abroad.

Throughout this period, in order to improve the quality of the histopathological diagnosis and research activity, the range of immunohistochemical investigations was broadened, the method of in-situ hybridization was implemented in breast and gastric tumor pathology, high-performance equipment was purchased, including a slide scanner for teaching purposed and remote diagnosis (telemedicine) and new research opportunities have opened up through the work of doctoral students in the discipline.

The chair of Morphopathology operates in the building of the “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, located in Timişoara, Eftimie Murgu Square, no. 2, on the third floor, in a completely renovated space, having its own classroom, three practical laboratories rooms, a museum of macroscopic preparations (located on the second floor), two laboratory rooms and offices for the teachers.

The chair team consists of thirteen teachers and two laboratory technicians. The technical facilities allow for optimal conditions for the development of the didactic process of the students, the postgraduate education and the scientific research activity.

Morphopathology is taught in the third year of General Medicine (in Romanian, English and French), the second year of Dentistry (in Romanian and English), the first year of General Nursing, the first year of General Nursing – Lugoj and Deva extensions, the first year of Nutrition and Dietetics, as well as BFKT (Balneo-physio-kinetotherapy and Rehabilitation). Also, our chair hosts the courses and optional practical works of Clinical Pathology – fifth year in General Medicine (in Romanian, English and French), and Rehabilitation and was involved, prior to 2017-2018, in the optional module of Neuroscience – taught in the second year in General Medicine (in Romanian, English and French). At the same time, courses and seminars are held for Pathological Anatomy residents, either at the discipline’s headquarters or within the Pathological Anatomy Service of the “Pius Brînzeu” County Emergency Clinical Hospital in Timișoara.

Between 1995 and 2002, the Morphopathology course and the Guide of Practical Works were written and published in three successive editions, while being made available to the students, under the leadership of the Chair, Prof. Univ. Dr. N. Tudose. The Morphopathology course in English and the Morphopathology course for the students of the Balneo-physio-kinetotherapy and Rehabilitation department were also assembled. At the same time, two courses were developed for the students of the Faculty of Dentistry, through the care of Prof. Univ. Dr. Elena Potencz. From 2004 to 2011, four other courses for the students in General Medicine and Dentistry sections were republished and expanded, under the coordination of Prof. Univ. Dr. Elena Lazăr. Starting from 2012 to the present day, four other editions of the Morphopathology course (general and special pathology) were published, under the guidance of Prof. Univ. Dr. Alis Dema. The course book and practical works for the Dentistry section were published under the coordination of Conf. Dr. Mărioara Cornianu.

The teaching process and the practical demonstrations benefit from a very rich and demonstrative color iconography – PowerPoint presentations, CDs, video recordings and histopathological virtual slides. Starting with the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020, we began using a digital system for the presentation of the histopathological slides within the practical laboratories of microscopy, as well as for the final evaluation of the students. Our Museum of Pathology, with its rich collection of macroscopic preparation, as well as the hospitals’ morgues, provide the morphopathological training with the possibility of illustrating the macroscopic features of various lesions and diseases.

An appreciable scientific research activity is carried out within our discipline, encompassing efforts of our teachers, doctoral students, resident doctors, students. The results are reflected in the completed doctoral theses and in the large number of published and presented works, at various scientific events. The teachers provide specialized medical assistance in specialized laboratories in the city, simultaneously with the didactic and research activity.

Approximately 240 resident physicians in the field of Pathological Anatomy and other medical specialties were coordinated and guided by the teachers of the discipline, between 1991 and 2023. In this time, around 102 resident physicians were confirmed as licensed Pathologists.

External collaborators

The Morphopathology chair actively collaborates with specialized institutions from within the country and abroad: “George Emil Palade” University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology of Târgu Mureş, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Iași, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest, Harvard Medical School of Boston.

For students
Scientific activity (projects)

The members of the Morphopathology chair were involved as project directors or members of the research team in various research projects, among which we mention: «Pathological Anatomy Laboratory – professional and organizational training through the implementation of quality management», «Complex approach of prostate cancer from the perspective of biomarkers involved in the primary diagnosis, prediction of evolution, evaluation of hormone resistance and therapeutic management», «Multicenter study on the use of the robotic approach in correlating the decrease in circulating adipokine levels in obesity with the risk of pelvic cancer – ROBOCAPE» and «Improving the management of neoplastic pathology by developing and implementing the NEO-PAT-MAN cross-border medical center of excellence».

In 2020, the ANAPATMOL research and diagnostic center has been established at the headquarters of the discipline, in order to improve and increase the visibility of our team’s activity.

Research topics
  • Evaluation of malignant tumors with various locations by immunohistochemical and molecular techniques.
  • Predictive-prognostic markers in inflammatory liver and intestinal diseases.
  • Study of immunohistochemical / molecular markers involved in targeted therapies.