Address: Street Regimentul 13 Călărași, Semibasesment Cămin 1-2
Phone: +40722343722
Head of the University Clinic
📲 Phone: +40726839049
📧 Email:
📃 Curriculum vitae
We are a new, enthusiastic team, eager for innovation, whose goal is to form an indispensable theoretical and practical basis for the future doctor, regardless of the specialization he chooses!
After completing the 7 courses, the student will enrich his informational thesaurus and will develop new interdisciplinary logical correlations, useful in solving clinical cases from anamnesis and objective examination to paraclinical investigations, diagnosis and treatment.
The 7 internships will provide a practical, interactive experience, useful for developing the theoretical and practical skills for solving a clinical case, providing first aid in emergency situations and acquiring practical skills specific to Emergency Medicine!