Contact us

Address: 1-3, Alexandru Odobescu Boulevard, Timişoara
Phone: 0722322877


Head of Department

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📃 Curriculum vitae

Department Council

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📃 Curriculum vitae

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📃 Curriculum vitae

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📃 Curriculum vitae

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📃 Curriculum vitae

The department consists of 3 University Clinics of Obstetrics and Gynecology and 1 University Clinic of Neonatology and Pediatrics, covering the specialties of obstetrics-gynecology, as well as neonatology and pediatrics. The human resource is represented by 44 teaching staff members.

Activities with students/graduates include:

  • Coordination of practical internships during which students have the opportunity to come into contact with patients and observe the management applied to cases admitted to these clinics.
  • Organization of micro-courses, practical demonstrations, and interactive case presentations, courses presented in a modern computerized manner.
  • Organization of scientificevents/workshops/student circles.
  • Coordination of thesis/dissertation work. Students are encouraged to participate with papers in scientific events. Additionally, through the use of various forms of study support, multimedia, and specialized medical websites, teaching staff members conduct a modern teaching process.

Periodically, the department organizes postgraduate coursesand competency exams, national and international conference sandc ongresses. Doctoral studies-related activities also take place within the department.

Department members are involved in there search process by participating in projects an clinical studies. The dissemination of results is achieved by presenting them at national and international scientific events and publishing them in CNCSIS recognized journalsand ISI international circulation journals.

Department members have an extraordinary ability to work as a team both with in the collective and with other departments and institutions nationally and internationally. Aligning the teaching and research processwith European standards is achieved through collaborations with universities abroad. All of this is possible by adhering to discipline norms and ethical standards in fulfilling duties.