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Address: Timișoara, strada Ștefan Cicio Pop nr 2, et II (clădirea Poșta Mare)
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Staff of the University Clinic

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General presentation

The Medical Rehabilitation Discipline was established in 2005 and was led by Prof. Dr. Nemeș Dan until March 2015. From 2015 to 2023, the discipline was headed by Prof. Amăricăi Elena Constanța. She was constantly striving not only to improve the quality of the teaching process, but also to create an optimal framework for research activities and interdisciplinary cooperation. As of December 2023, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation on the Organization and Functioning of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes” from Timisoara, the Discipline has been transformed into a University Clinic.

The teaching and research activities of the Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic are carried out at the following locations:

  • The Post Office building, Cicio Ștefan Pop Street no 2, 2nd floor;
  • Emergency Hospital for Children “Louis Țurcanu” Timisoara – Orthopaedic and posttraumatic Rehabilitation Compartment.
  • Timis County Emergency Clinical Hospital “Pius Brînzeu” Timisoara – Rehabilitation department, 2nd Orthopaedic Clinic – Posttraumatic Rehabilitation Compartment;
  • Timis County Emergency Clinical Hospital “Pius Brînzeu” Timisoara – Rehabilitation department, 1st Orthopaedic Clinic – Chronic Rehabilitation Compartment;
  • Timis County Emergency Clinical Hospital “Pius Brînzeu” Timisoara – Sports Medicine Clinic;
  • Clinical Emergency Hospital Timisoara – Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine and Balneology department.

The teaching activities are addressed to the students of the 6th year of General Medicine program, both Romanian and English sections (subject: Physical medicine and rehabilitation), to the students of the Physiotherapy program ((1st, 2nd and 3rd year), to the students of the 5th year of Dental Medicine program, both Romanian and English sections (subject: Physiotherapy and recovery in dental medicine), as well as to the students enrolled in master programs (“Prevention and Rehabilitation in Cardiopulmonary Diseases” and ‘Rehabilitation Techniques in Neurological Diseases”/ Rehabilitation in Neurological Diseases”.

Since 2016, students from Physiotherapy and General Medicine programs have participated in a variety of activities organized within the University Clinic through the Volunteering in Academic Activity (VADA) program.
During the MEDIS Congress (International Congress for Students and young Doctors), conferences and workshops for students are regularly organized by members of the Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic.

The Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic team is also active in postgraduate education, organizing courses for doctors and physiotherapists:

  • 2016: Occupational therapy for physical disabilities
  • 2017: The management of children with scoliosis
  • 2018: The interdisciplinary management of children with club foot
  • 2022: Complex approach to elderly rehabilitation
  • 2022: Limb Fractures rehabilitation in children, adults, and athletes
  • 2023: Peripheral nerves injuries rehabilitation in children.

Scientific research is a constant preoccupation of the Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic’s members. This is reflected in the publication of numerous articles in specialized journals, as well as by the presentation of results at national and international congresses. Several research projects have been conducted, including the following:

  1. Research project for PhD students CNCSIS TD-528/2007 „Cercetare asupra calităţii vieţii la pacientul cu afecţiune reumatismală operată” (contract no. 125/01.10.2007) (2007-2008) – Project director/manager – Elena Amăricăi – finance source: National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation PN II 2007-2013, Human resource programme (26000 RON).
  2. Research project for PhD students CNCSIS, TD-526/2006 „Recuperarea mersului în afecţiunile piciorului tratate ortopedico-chirurgical”– Project director/manager – Oana Suciu – finance source: National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation PN II 2007-2013, Human resource programme, contract no. 486/01.10.2007 (42500 RON).
  3. Research project PII-C3-TC-2015- 15132-01 „Evaluarea precoce a pacienţilor cu patologie inflamatorie şi degenerativă la nivelul coloanei vertebrale folosind sisteme informatice bazate pe inteligenţă artificială” – Project director/manager – Diana Andrei – internal university competition.

In 2021, a methodological research centre – the Centre for the Assessment of Movement, Functionality and Disability – was set up within the Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic CEMFD) ( The facilities of the research centre allow complex research activities to be carried out and consist of modern evaluation and testing equipment. Within the centre, research is carried out by members of the Medical Rehabilitation University Clinic, and from other university clinics, as well as by undergraduates, master students, PhD students and external collaborators.

Students are involved in research activities, especially to prepare for their bachelor and master theses. Those interested are affiliated to the research centre, receive direct guidance and coordination from faculty, and present their research at student scientific meetings. In 2023, a student exchange program organized by the International Federation of Medical Students Association (IFMSA) was coordinated by Prof. Amăricăi Elena and Assoc. prof. Onofrei Roxana.
