Methodological and Research Centers:

  1. Center Of Immune-Physiology And Biotechnologies/ acronym CIFBIOTEH, Director of the research center: Professor Carmen Panaitescu MD, PhD
  2. Advanced instrumental Screening Center/ acronym AISC, Director of the research center: Professor Adriana Ledeti, PhD
  3. Digital And Advanced Technique For Endodontic, Restorative And Prosthetic Treatment/ acronym TADERP, Director of the research center: Professor Anca Jivanescu, DMD, PhD
  4. Multidisciplinary Center For Research Evaluation, Diagnosis And Therapies In Oral Medicine / acronym CEDOM, Director of the research center: Professor Laura Rusu, DMD, PhD
  5. Translational and Experimental Clinical Research Center in Oral Health/ acronym CCEx-T-SO, Director of the research center: Professor Atena Galuscan, DMD, PhD
  6. Disturbances of Growth and Development On Children/ acronym BELIEVE, Director of the research center: Professor Otilia Marginean, MD, PhD
  7. Angiogenesis Research Center, Timisoara/ acronym ANGIOTM, Director of the research center: Professor Flavia Zară MD, PhD
  8. Orthodontic Research Center/ acronym ORTHO-CENTER, Director of the research center: Professor Camelia Alexandrina Szuhanek DMD, PhD
  9. Center for Advanced Technologies in Dental Prosthodontics, Director of the research center: Professor Liliana Porojan, DMD, PhD
  10. Advanced Cardiology and Hemostaseology Research Center, Director of the research center: Professor Daniel Lighezan, MD, PhD
  11. Center of laparoscopy, laparoscopic surgery and in vitro fertilization, Director of the research center: Professor Marius Craina, MD, PhD
  12. Researching Future Surgery 2 (CHIR2), Director of the research center: Associate Professor Amadeus Dobrescu, MD PhD 
  13. The ANAPATMOL Research Center, Director of the research center: Professor Alis Dema, MD, PhD
  14. Multidisciplinary Heart Research Center, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Minodora Andor MD, PhD 
  15. Center for Studies in Preventive Medicine, Director of the research center: Associate Professor MD PhD Corneluta Fira-Mladinescu
  16. Methodological and Research Center for Infectious Diseases/ acronym CMCBI, Director of the research center: Associate Professor, MD, PhD Roșca Ovidiu Irinel 
  17. Research Center In Vascular And Endovascular Surgery/ acronym CERVASC, Director of the research center: Professor Mihai Ionac, MD, PhD
  18. Multidisciplinary Research Center for Malignant Hemopathies/ acronym CCMHM, Director of the research center: Professor Ioana Ionita MD, PhD
  19. Research Center for the Science of Complex Networks/ acronym CSRC, Director of the research center: Professor Ovidiu Sirbu MD, PhD
  20. Dental Research Center Using Conventional And Alternative Technologies/ acronym CMDTCA, Director of the research center: Professor Cosmin Sinescu, DMD, PhD
  21. Abdominal Surgery and Phlebology Research Center/ acronym CCCAF, Director of the research center: Professor Marius Murariu, MD, PhD
  22. Research Center in Anesthesia and Intensive Care/ acronym CCATITM, Director of the research center: Professor Dorel Sandesc, MD, PhD
  23. The Neuroscience Research Center Timisoara, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Andrei Brinzeu, MD, PhD
  24. Profesor Universitar Doctor Teodor Șora Research Centre, Director of the research center: Professor Jenel Patrascu, MD, PhD
  25. Oftalmo sensory-tumor research center -ORL/ acronym EYE-ENT, Director of the research center: Professor Mihnea Munteanu, MD, PhD
  26. The Research Center for the Assessment of Human Motion/ acronym CEMFD, Lecturer Dr. Alexandru Florian Crișan, MD PhD
  27. Center for Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery/ acronym CHBP, Director of the research center: Lecturer Dr. Florin Hut, MD, PhD
  28. Anton Sculean Center for Research of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases/ acronym CCBPPAS, Director of the research center: Professor Stefan Stratul, DMD, PhD
  29. Center for Diagnosis and Study of Parasitic Diseases, Director of the research center: Professor Rares Tudor Olariu, MD, PhD
  30. Thoracic Surgery Research Center, Director of the research center: Senior Lecturer Gabriel Cozma, MD, PhD
  31. Center For The Morphologic Study Of The Skin/ acronym MORPHODERM, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Olivia Toma, MD, PhD
  32. Pediatric Dentistry Research Center/ acronym Pedo-Research, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Mălina Popa, DMD, PhD
  33. Center for Neuropsychology and Behavioral Medicine/ acronym NeuroPsyMed, Director of the research center: Professor Hogea Lavinia
  34. University Sports Center For Fitness Level Assessment/ acronym CUSENF, associate professor Mircioaga Doina, PhD
  35. Center for Applied Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies/ acronym C-CLASC, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Diana Boc – Sînmărghițan
  36. Center for Preventive Medicine, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Daniela Gurguș, PhD
  37. Formulation and Technology of Drugs Research Center/ acronym FORMTEHMED, Director of the research center: Professor Lavinia Vlaia, PhD
  38. Research Center for Medical Communication, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Codrina Mihaela Levai, MD, PhD
  39. Breast Surgery Research Center/ acronym CCCS, Director of the research center: Associate Professor Neagoe Octavian MD, PhD
  40. The Center For Ethics In Human Genetic Identification/ acronym EtIGen, Director of the research center: Professor Alexandra Enache, MD, PhD
  41. Interdisciplinary dental medical research center, lasers and innovative technologies, Director of the research center:  Associate Professor Miron Mariana Ioana MD, PhD
  42. Research and processing center for medicinal and aromatic plants (Plant-Med), Prof. dr. Danciu Corina
  43. Center for drug data analysis, cheminformatics, and the internet of medical things (CDDA-CIMT), Professor Lucreția Udrescu, PhD
  44. Research center for experimental pharmacology and drug design (X-Pharm Design), Professor Codruța Șoica, PhD