Name of the research center: Center for Preventive Medicine

Director of the research center: Associate Professor Daniela Gurguș, MD, PhD

Date of establishment/ acknowledgement: 05.03.2021

Research areas/ research opportunities:

Our main objective is health promotion and prevention of chronic diseases with the highest prevalence, such as cardiometabolic diseases, neoplasms, mental illness, by implementation of a healthy lifestyle and achieving regular medical check-ups.

We intend to collaborate with the following entities:

  • disciplines from the XVIth department of UMFVBT, Medical Recovery, Physical Medicine and Balneology, Modern Languages and Romanian Language, Physical Education and Sports, for the comprehensive study of physical activity, as well as for finding communication ways for specific prevention information between different medical specialties or between medical providers and the main target of our activity, namely the general population;
  • disciplines from UMFVBT whose work involves elements of preventive medicine, such as Hygiene, Epidemiology, Occupational Medicine, Social Medicine for assessing risk factors, as well as for health education;
  • specializations from UMFVBT whose field of interest intersects preventive medicine, such as Balneophysiokinetotherapy and Recovery, respectively Nutrition and Dietetics;
  • disciplines from UMFVBT which may contribute to information technology, such as Medical Informatics or for the achievement of the necessary research analysis, e.g. Biochemistry;
  • other faculties from Timișoara, like Faculty of Computer Science for data management and development of applications required for our objectives, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports;
  • medical professional associations for data collection and the implementation of research results, such as the National Society of Family Medicine, the National Prevention Forum, the Romanian Society of Cardiology, the National Society of Oncology, the Medical Association for Prevention through Lifestyle, the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization;
  • patient associations, e.g. Community of Patient Associations, Federation of Associations of Cancer Patients, Foundation for Women’s Health;
  • any other academic entity or patient association that shares the same goals as ours.

            We have initiated projects in the following directions:

  • development of registers for screening for neoplastic diseases and lifestyle in children and adults;
  • application of methods for assess lifestyle pillars (metabolic and vascular assessments) for the prevention of non-communicable diseases with high morbidity;
  • prevent allergies caused by exposure to Ambrosia pollen in collaboration with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timișoara.

            In the future we aim to:

  • address the health risk behaviors (regarding diet, physical activity, addictions, sleep, stress, social relationships) in general population, but also in people at risk such as preschool and school children, people in rural communities, people in vulnerable groups and pregnant women;
  • do clinical research to detect the main mechanisms that influence the population health to find new prevention methods;
  • establish public or private partnerships, with the agreement of the Board of Directors of the UMFVBT, in order to spread information on preventive medicine and to attract the necessary funds for future projects.
Members list:

Titular members:


Name and surname of the titular member (didactic/ research personnel)

Didactic/ research degree


Folescu Roxana

Professor MD, PhD 


Gurguș Daniela

Associate Professor, MD, PhD


Șușan Răzvan Mihai

Associate Professor, MD, PhD


Iana Andreea Narcisa

Assistant Professor, MD


Ionescu Vasile Alin

Assistant Professor, MD


Bucă Oana Mirabela (Boboc)

PhD student


Muntean Andreea Lavinia (Boantă)

PhD student


Zarici Melani (actuală Băcean)

PhD student


Hum Ivona Mihaela

PhD student


Atyim Laura

PhD student




Name and surname (didactic/ research personnel)

Affiliation (Department, institution/university, city, country)


 Șușan Monica Maria

Discipline of Medical Semiology I, Department V, Internal Medicine I


 Mihai-Sorin Iacob

Președinte al Societății de Medicina Familiei, Timiş / membru Societatea Națională de Medicina Familiei Bucuresti, Romania, Președinte EUVEKUS Viena, Austria