Name of the research center: Research center for pharmaco-toxicological evaluations/ acronym FARMATOX
Director of the research center: Professor CRISTINA ADRIANA DEHELEAN
Date of establishment: 05.03.2021
The coordinator of the Research Center for Pharmaco-toxicological Evaluation along with UMFT team members are currently involved in eight research projects addressing topics such as: (1) Delivery to the dermocosmetic market of a modern topical formulation with betulinic acid encapsulated in proniosomes (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-2134); (2) Innovative hydrogels containing polymeric micelles as drug delivery systems for oregano essential oil: an advanced pharmaceutical approach for the management of skin tags (PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0130); (3) New perspectives on skin cancer chemoprevention: evaluation of maslinic acid and of a maslinic acid derivative incorporated into nanoemulsions (PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1231); (4) Synthesis and assessment of novel triazole-triterpene-gold nanoparticle bioconjugates, used as active agents in malignant melanoma (PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1078); (5) Lupeol as bioactive natural compound in the local treatment of wounds and inflammation from mild to severe pathologies: experimental evaluations and market pre-proposal (1EXP / 1233 / 30.01.2020); (6) Populi gemmae – a double gain for the pharmaceutical field: therapeutic potential and bio-source for green synthesis of silver nanoparticles (3POSTDOC / 1238 / 30.01.2020); (7) Cooperation on innovation and exchange of good practice in the diet of hypoglycaemia for people with diabetes (2019-1-RO01-KA203-063499); (8) Innovative nanobiostructures based on bioconjugated ferromagnetic nanoparticles with cyclodextrins to increase efficacy and reduce toxicity in cancer therapy by SP-magnetic hyperthermia (PN-III-P2.1-PED-2019-3067). A large number of ISI publications supports our activity.
Our offer and research activity consist in performing analyzes, determinations, tests, evaluations, on three main directions:
- Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization – obtaining new compounds, standardized extracts and modern pharmaceutical formulations (based on metallic nanoparticles, cyclodextrins, nanoemulsions, hydrogels, liposomes, niosomes, etc.) and their complete characterization to correspond to the pharmaceutical and medical fields. Also, the possibility of characterizing these types of compounds/products for the profile industry.
- In vitro testing – pharmaco-toxicological screening based on in vitro methods ECVAM (European Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods) validated and included in GIVIMP (Guidance Document on Good in Vitro Method Practices). Are evaluated: cell viability, cytotoxicity, apoptosis/necrosis, cell morphology (immunofluorescent staining), cell migration / invasion, oxidative stress (by various tests such as MTT, LDH, DAPI, Hoechst 33342, scratch assay, etc.) and acute toxicity, phototoxicity/photoirritation (reconstructed human tissues – 3D – EpiDerm ™), according to OECD TG 439; OECD 405, OECD 432 and others.
- In vivo evaluation – is performed depending on the research topic: (i) on the embryonated egg to complete the pharmaco-toxicological profile; (ii) on different animal models to clarify the mechanisms involved and (iii) on volunteers by non-invasive methods being monitored physiological parameters of the skin (e.g., hydration, transepidermal water loss, sebum content, melanin, erythema, pH, color, elasticity, temperature, microcirculation, etc.).
Some of the mentioned tests can be used to evaluate products from the industry like food supplements, cosmetics, etc.
We are open to any collaborations that successfully complete the presented activities.
Titular members:
No. | Name and surname of the titular member (didactic/research personnel) | Didactic/research degree |
1. | Dehelean Cristina Adriana | Professor, MD, PhD |
2. | Pînzaru Iulia Andreea | Professor, MD, PhD |
3. | Coricovac Elena Dorina | Professor, MD, PhD |
4. | Moacă Elena Alina | Associate Professor, PhD |
5. | Iftode Oana Andrada | Associate Professor, PhD |
6. | Drăghici George Andrei | Lecturer, PhD |
7. | Macaşoi Ioana Gabriela | Lecturer, PhD |
8. | Olteanu Gheorghe Emilian | Lecturer, PhD |
9. | Anton Alina | Lecturer, PhD |
10. | Marcovici Iasmina | Assistant Professor |
11. | Semenescu Alexandra Denisa | Assistant Professor |
12. | Neamțu Andreea Adriana | Lecturer, PhD |
13. | Buda Valentina Oana | Professor, MD, PhD |
14. | Geamantan-Sîrbu Andreea | PhD student |
15. | Horșia Maria-Dalia | PhD student |
16. | Gornic Tzeortziana | PhD student |
17. | Jîjie Alex Robert | PhD student |
18. | Jomaa Mohamed | PhD student |
19. | Lixandru Ioana Lavinia | PhD student |
20. | Mederle Alexandra Laura | PhD student |
21. | Pacnejar Aliteia Maria | PhD student |
22. | Apostu Andrei Gabriel | PhD student |
23. | Nicolescu Marinela | PhD student |
24. | Szabo Eliza Florentina | PhD student |
25. | Predescu Iasmina Alexandra | PhD student |
26. | Marcu Noni-Ștefan | PhD student |
27. | Brînzei Ionela | PhD student |
Associated members:
No. | Name and surname | Student, masters student, PhD student, postdoctoral student, auxilliary and non-teaching staff |
1. | Dolghi Alina | Assistant Lecturer, MD, PhD |
2. | Scurtu Alexandra – Denisa | Assistant Lecturer, MD, PhD |
3. | Szabo Eliza | PhD student |
4. | Moza Iren | PhD student |
5. | Petean Crina | PhD student |
6. | Nistor Gabriela | PhD student |
7. | Roșca Oana | PhD student |
8. | Milan Andreea | PhD student |
9. | Ulici Alexandra | PhD student |
10. | Ghitu Alexandra | PhD student |
11. | Kis Brigitha | PhD student |
12. | Fecker Ramona | PhD student |
13. | Lombrea Adelina | PhD student |
14. | Bora Larisa | PhD student |
15. | Stoicescu Emil | PhD student |
Internal collaborators:
No. | Name and surname (didactic/ research personnel) | VBUMP Affiliation (Discipline and Department) |
1. | Professor, MD, PhD. Vlaia Lavinia Lia | Pharmaceutical Technology Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
2. | Lecturer, PhD Georgeta Hermina | Pharmaceutical Technology Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
3. | Lecturer, PhD. Olariu Ioana Viorica | Pharmaceutical Technology Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
4. | Assistant Professor, PhD. Muț Ana Maria | Pharmaceutical Technology Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
5. | Associate Professor, PhD Voicu Mirela | Pharmacology – Pharmacotherapy Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
6. | Lecturer, PhD. Suciu Maria | Pharmacology – Pharmacotherapy Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
7. | Lecturer, PhD. Suciu Liana | Pharmacology – Pharmacotherapy Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
8. | Professor, MD, PhD. Vlaia Vicențiu | Organic Chemistry Discipline, Department II, Faculty of Pharmacy |
9. | Professor, MD, PhD. Antal Diana | Pharmaceutical Botanical Discipline, Department I, Faculty of Pharmacy |
10. | Lecturer, PhD. Ardelean Florina | Pharmaceutical Botanical Discipline, Department I, Faculty of Pharmacy |
11. | Professor, MD, PhD. Muntean Delia | Discipline Microbiology-Virology, Department XIV: Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine |
12. | Professor, MD, PhD. Muntean Mirela-Danina | Discipline Pathophysiology, Department III: Functional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine |
13. | Associate Professor, PhD. Aburel (Duicu) Oana Maria | Discipline Pathophysiology, Department III: Functional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine |
14. | Lecturer, PhD. Dănilă Maria-Daniela | Discipline Pathophysiology, Department III: Functional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine |
15. | Lecturer, PhD. Sturza Adrian | Discipline Pathophysiology, Department III: Functional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine |
16. | Professor, MD, PhD. Marian Cătălin | Department IV Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Discipline of Biochemistry, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
17. | Professor, MD, PhD. Camelia Szuhanek | Discipline of Orthodontics, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
18. | Professor, MD, PhD. Daliborca Vlad | Department IV Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Discipline of Pharmacology, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
19. | Professor, MD, PhD. Baderca Flavia | Department II Microscopic Morphology, Histology Discipline, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
20. | Professor, MD, PhD. Roxana Oancea | Discipline of Preventive Dentistry, Community and Oral Health, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
21. | Professor, MD, PhD. Roxana Popescu | Discipline of Cellular and Molecular Biology, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
22. | Lecturer, PhD. Watz (Farcaș) | Department I,Discipline of Pharmaceutical Physics, Faculty of Pharmacy “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
23. | Associate Professor, PhD Iacob Daniela | Childcare and Neonatology, Department XII Obstetrics-Gynecology, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
24. | Professor, MD, PhD. Câmpean Anca | Histology, “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania |
25. | Professor, MD, PhD. Şoica Codruţa | Department II, Division of Pharmacology-Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy |
26. | Professor, MD, PhD. Trandafirescu Cristina | Department II, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy |
27. | Professor, MD, PhD. Ghiulai Roxana | Department II, Division of Pharmacology-Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy |
28. | Professor, MD, PhD. Mioc Marius | Department II, Division of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy |
External collaborators:
No. | Name and surname (didactic/ research personnel) | Affiliation (Department, institution/university, city, country) |
1. | Professor, MD, PhD. Spandidos Demetrios | Laboratory of Clinical Virology, Medical School, University of Crete, 71003 Heraklion, Greece. |
2. | Professor, MD, PhD. Heinfried H. Radeke | Pharmazentrum Frankfurt/ZAFES, Institute of General Pharmacology and Toxicology/ Clinic of the Goethe University, D-60590 Frankfurt/Main, Germany |
3. | Professor, MD, PhD. Pavel Ioana | Dept Chem, Wright State Univ, Dayton, OH 45435 USA |
4. | Professor, Andreea Pasc | Univ Lorraine, L2CM UMR CNRS 7053, F-54506 Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France |
5. | Professor Giancarlo Statti | Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Science, University of Calabria, via Pietro Bucci, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy |
6. | Professor Filomena Conforti | Dipartimento di Farmacia e Scienza della Salute e della Nutrizione, University of Calabria, via Pietro Bucci, 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (CS), Italy |
7. | Professor, MD, PhD. Ersilia Alexa | Department of Food Control, Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine “King Michael I of Romania” from Timi¸soara, Calea Aradului No. 119, 300641 Timisoara, Romania |
8. | Professor, MD, PhD. Laurian Vlase | Iuliu Hatieganu Univ Med & Pharm, Fac Pharm, Dept Pharmaceut Technol & Biopharmaceut, 12 Ion Creanga St, Cluj Napoca 400010, Romania |
9. | Lecturer, MD, PhD Diaconeasa Zoriţa Maria | Discipline: Biochemistry, Faculty of Food Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, România, Cluj-Napoca |