Faculty of Medicine

Medicine – 1st semester

1st year EN + FR

2nd year EN + FR

3rd year EN + FR

4th year EN + FR 

5th year EN + FR

6th year  EN + FR  | Rotația

Faculty of Dental Medicine

Dental Medicine – 1st semester

1st year – EN

2nd year – EN

3rd year – EN

4th year – EN

5th year – EN

6th year –  EN 

Faculty of Medicine

Medicine – groups

1st year – EN 

2nd year – EN

3rd year – EN

4th year –  EN

5th year – EN

6th year –  EN

Medicine – subgroups

1st year – EN  

2nd year – EN

3rd year – EN

4th year – EN

5th year – EN

6th year – EN

Faculty of Dental Medicine

Dental Medicine – groups

1st year – EN 

2nd year – EN

3rd year – EN 

4th year EN 

5th year – EN 

6th year EN 

Dental Medicine – subgroups

1st year – EN 

2nd year – EN

3rd year –  EN

4th year – EN 

5th year – EN 

6th year – EN