The Story as Sapiens’ Vertical Spine – Narrative Medicine I | The first edition of the summer school

Summer School

This summer is beginning with a story. The stories of our lives began before us and before this July. Narrative medicine, as defined by its creator, Rita Charon, can be the key to correct diagnosis. C-CLASC invites you to learn to listen and learn to tell stories together, turning words into possible realities and attention to detail into an exercise in medical and narrative anthropology.

The 3rd edition of the Summer School Romanian for Medical Professionals | 13th -19th September 2021


Terms and Conditions:
For the enrolment in the programme the participation fee (250 EUR) has to be paid by the 15th of July 2021 only after having received the organisers' confirmation.
The confirmation will be sent to you by the 1st of June 2021.
Cancellation policy: In the event that you cancel your enrolment until the 15th of July, an amount of 50 Euro will be charged (organizing fee).
